The Automedia organization brings together researchers from different scientific disciplines, citizens, media-activists, designers and digital engineers.
Igor Galligo
Project Founder
Igor Galligo initially trained in humanities, leading to three master’s degrees: contemporary philosophy and aesthetics at the University Paris 1 Sorbonne, and political science at the School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS). Since late 2012, he developed his reflection on the topics of ambiance, epistemic, libidinal and attentional devices, under the direction of Bernard Stiegler, director of the Institute of Research and Innovation at the Centre Pompidou, where he directed three international seminars on the transformations of attentional abilities. In 2013, he joined the research program Reflective Interaction at the EnsadLab, the research laboratory of Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, school of art and design in Paris. He also became associated researcher at GERPHAU, a research center in architecture and urbanism. In 2015, he became research officer at the Ministry of Culture and Communication in the Department of Research, Higher Education and Technology. Since 2016, he enrolled a PhD in aesthetic and design at the Research Center on Arts and Langage (CRAL) at School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), and at the Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM) in Basel, Switzerland, under the co-supervision of Jean-Marie Schaeffer, research director at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), and Claudia Mareis, director of IXDM. in May 2018, he becomes associated researcher at IXDM. The same month, he founded NOODESIGN, a new think tank on the design of the operations of the mind, studied by NOOLOGY.
Ludovic Duhem
Ludovic Duhem is an artist and philosopher. He is currently professor at the Haute Ecole des Arts du Rhin where he teaches philosophy of art and design. He also teaches at the University of Lille and Valenciennes as well as at ENSCI-Les Ateliers and ENSAV La Cambre. His philosophical research focuses on the relationship between aesthetics, technology and politics within contemporary ecological issues. He has recently published in french Crash metropolis. Design écosocial et critique de la métropolisation des territoires (ed. T&P Workunit, 2022), Les écologies du numérique (on line, ed. NUMA, 2022) et Écologie et technologie. Redéfinir le progrès avec Simondon (with Jean-Hugues Barthélémy, ed. Matériologiques, 2022).
Anna Longo
Anna Longo is doctor of aesthetics. She is directpr of the program “Technologies of time” at the Collège international de philosophie and adjonct to Institut Mines Télécom Business School. She is author of the book "Le jeu de l’induction: automatisation de la connaissance et réflexion philosophique (éditions Mimesis 2022).
Victor Chaix
Victor Chaix is a Master student in Digital Humanities, at the University of Bologna. He currently conducts his research at the Institute of Network Cultures, with Geert Lovink, in the aim of conceiving new forms of online mediation. His thesis work is at the crossroads of philosophy and design, in an approach that is both theoretical and experimental – that is, in which certain concepts drawn from the humanities are put at the service of coding alternative digital spaces of discussion and publication. He is also a founding member and vice-president of the Association des Amis de la Génération Thunberg (AAGT), for which he is notably in charge of the blog. Victor has had several experiences in journalism, such as at Le Monde or the online daily Reporterre, as well as more “mediactivist” ones, within Extinction Rebellion and, before that, within student newspapers and magazines. His collaborations with Bernard Stiegler and his work on the philosopher’s last tracks of a “new foundation for theoretical computer science” encouraged him to extend these experiences, by working on the very conditions of the production, circulation and interpretation of digital information.
Viviana Lipuma
Viviana Lipuma holds a doctorate from the University of Paris Nanterre and is a member of Labo HAR. She works at the junction of political philosophy and aesthetics through the prism of the work of Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari and Visual Studies. Her thesis focuses on the mechanisms of production of subjectivity by images in neoliberal capitalist societies and on the possibilities of its reappropriation by dominated groups thanks to new computer technologies. She is currently a philosophy teacher in secondary school and a lecturer in philosophy at the University of Paris Nanterre and in video art at the University of Gustave Eiffel. She has notably published "Producing the real: testing the political effectiveness of images” (Hybrid n°4, 2017), “Organizing cultural resistance: the tactical uses of social networks among the collectives of Russian artists Rodina and Rebra Evi” ( Hybrid No. 8,2022).
Louis Morelle
Louis Morelle teaches philosophy and is a PhD Candidate at Paris-1 University. He works on the relationship between metaphysics, experimentation and speculation within German Naturphilosophie. He blogs additional research at
Lucie Raymond
Lucie Raymond is a lecturer at the Catholic University of Paris, member of UR “Religion, Culture and Society” (EA 7403) and associate researcher at GRIPIC (CELSA, Sorbonne University). She worked on the discourses and forms of media coverage of so-called “anti-system” political figures, and more broadly questions the relationship between media and politics.
Zakaria Bendali
Zakaria Bendali is a doctoral student in political sociology at the Institute of Political Studies of the University of Lausanne, and a member of CRAPUL. He is working under the supervision of Olivier Fillieule (Unil/CRAPUL) and Dominique Cardon (Sciences Po/Medialab) on the biographical consequences of involvement in the Yellow Vests movement, with a particular focus on the trajectories of first-time activists and the use of digital social networks by collective mobilizations. He is also a member of the Quantité Critique collective, coordinated by Yann Le Lann (CeRIES), which has published several studies of the Yellow Vests.
Nina Begus